Please help with our Survey

During 2018 we are working on the development phase of our Heritage Lottery Fund project ‘If Trees Could Talk’. This aims to enable more people to visit and learn more about this place, its collection and its native flora and fauna – three strands of a rich heritage. Accessibility, in every sense, is the core of the project and we are looking to explore what this means during this year’s development work. It will mean hard pathways and interesting interpretation, new activities and facilities, but we need to know more about your thoughts on how you would like to see the arboretum develop – and how you perceive it now.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete this survey, which will help us shape this project. Responses will be anonymous if you don’t choose to leave your email (with the opportunity to win a year’s free membership) and we will not share your information with anyone else.
Please click here to go to the survey.
Thank you,
Sarah Maultby
HLF Project Officer


The Yorkshire Arboretum wins Heritage Lottery Fund support

The Yorkshire Arboretum has received initial support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for its project ‘If Trees Could Talk’ . The project aims to tell the story of the arboretum’s trees, its historic site and rich natural biodiversity to a wide audience. Thanks to National Lottery players, development funding of £44,400 has been awarded to help the Yorkshire Arboretum progress plans to apply for a full grant at a later date.

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Lake Restoration

With your help we plan to remove the encroaching vegetation to restore the broad expanse of water. We’ll also install a hard path, allowing visitors of all abilities to access the area throughout the year, and build new pond-dipping platforms and a bird-watching hide to overlook the water and wetlands of Atkinson’s Bog.

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Road Closure Saturday 22nd July

Please note that the section of road between the Castle Howard Obelisk and Slingsby Crossroads will be closed to all through traffic on Saturday 22 July from 2pm until 5pm.

The road closure is in place to ensure the safety of competitors in the Castle Triathlon Sprint Relay.

Extensive signage will direct drivers around the closure via Ganthorpe and on to their destinations including Castle Howard and the Yorkshire Arboretum, which both will remain open as normal and signage on the day will communicate this.

Coneysthorpe crossroads will be open as a crossing point for 'through traffic' between Coneysthorpe and Terrington, in both directions.

Traffic marshals will be at all closure points to traffic manage residents and farm vehicles requiring access. Please be patient with the marshals as they may ask you to wait a few minutes before they can allow you access. Please activate your hazard warning lights and remain aware that there will be cyclists, travelling at high speed, in both directions.

If you are approaching Castle Howard or the Yorkshire Arboretum from the A64 or Welburn crossroads the road is open as normal.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.