Plan Your Visit

Opening Hours

The Yorkshire Arboretum and Arboretum Café

Open daily from February to the end of November

TIMES: 10am – 5pm (last admission 4pm)*

PLEASE NOTE - *Winter opening hours run from 1st to 30th November & 1st to the end of February.
Winter opening hours 10am - last admission 3pm, Arboretum closes at 4pm.

Our café is open everyday, from 10am. Last orders at 4pm ( 3pm Feb & Nov)

Red Squirrel Enclosure is open daily from 10am - 3pm

Last entry is at 3pm - the enclosure gate is locked at 4pm

There is no extra charge to visit the enclosure. Free squirrel drop in talks on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Admission Prices

Adult £13.50**
Junior (age 12-16) £8.00**
Family (2 Adults + 2 Juniors) £39.00**
Under 12 years FREE

** Includes a 10% voluntary Gift Aid donation - please see notes below for more details. Making a Gift Aid donation adds 25% to the value of your admission, which makes a great difference to us.

Entry prices without a donation are
Adult £12.20
Junior (age 12-16) £7.20
Family (2 Adults + 2 Juniors) £35.40
Under 12 years FREE

Please note: RHS membership arrangement for free admission runs till the end of August 2025. One member (Member 1) from a Joint Membership (indicated by an asterisk * on the membership card). All other persons on the membership policy will need to pay the normal entry fee.

Gardeners World 2-4-1 offer is NOT valid in October 2025.


A range of membership options are available. Please see the membership page for details.

Looking for a gift? Purchase gift vouchers by clicking here.

We are pleased to welcome, free of charge, visitors who are members of one of our partner organisations.

If you are planning to visit one of our partner gardens, please book directly with the venue.


FREE Drop-In Guided Tours

Arboretum tours - Every Thursday from March to the end of November one of our friendly, expert guides will be on hand to introduce you to the collection, explain the arboretum's history, and show you the very best of our seasonal treasures.

Tours start from the Visitor Centre at 1.30 pm and last between 1 and 2 hours (depending on the season, the weather, how much we chat and how slowly we walk!) Tours are free of charge. Standard arboretum admission charges apply. Well-behaved dogs on leads welcome. No need to book - just turn up and join in!

Squirrel Talks - Every Tuesday morning & Saturday morning from March at 10:30am with one of our dedicated team. Talks are free of charge. Standard arboretum admission charges apply. Strictly no dogs permitted in the squirrel enclosure. No need to book - just turn up and meet inside the squirrel enclosure.

Bespoke, private tours may also be booked in advance for your party. Please contact us on or phone 01653 648598.

Car-free Travel

We have partnered with Good Journey to offer 50% off admission to car-free visitors - come by bike or show a valid Castleline bus ticket at the admissions desk for your 50% off admission.

Cycle storage is available near the Visitor Centre. For the safety of others, please don’t lean your bike against surfaces around the building.



Ample, free parking is available on site.

Two parking spaces for disabled visitors are provided adjacent to the Visitor Centre (please ensure you display your blue badge). In the event that both disabled parking spaces are taken, additional vehicles displaying a disabled badge may drop-off passengers at the Visitor Centre, but must then be parked in the disabled spaces in the main car park. Regrettably, no more than 3 disabled badge holders are permitted to park in the vicinity of the Visitor Centre at any time.

Coach parking is available by prior arrangement.


The arboretum grounds are generally unsuitable for wheelchairs. All-terrain mobility buggies are available to borrow for a 3-hour session (subject to suitable weather and ground conditions) for visitors with disabilities. Longer periods may be possible by arrangement, but our buggies are popular and a timed slot enables others to plan their visit. A voluntary donation is welcomed to enable us to maintain the buggies. Please book with the Visitor Services Team on 01653 648598 or email at least 24 hours in advance of your visit to ensure availability. Mechanical problems or unsuitable ground conditions may make it impossible for us to allow buggy use at any time and at short notice. Please note: hoist facilities are not available and our staff cannot assist with manual transfers.

Please note there are 3 disabled parking spaces are available adjacent to the Visitor Centre. (Please see details above)


Visitor toilets (including baby changing and disabled facilities) are located in the Visitor Centre.


We love dogs at the Yorkshire Arboretum and they are very welcome in the grounds. They must be kept on a lead except in the designated area in Gatehouse Field , and under close control at all other times. This still gives your four-legged friends 11 acres of space to run around. We also ask that owners clean up after their pets and to follow our Visiting with your Dog code.

If you are visiting with your dog and wish to use the Arboretum Café, please use the outdoor seating area.


Please help us to maximise the arboretum's value to wildlife by keeping dogs on a lead except in the designated Gatehouse Field area, and under control at all other times, to avoid disturbing birds and animals. Please also stay on the paths to avoid trampling wildflowers or recently planted areas.

Internet Access

Free WiFi is available throughout the Visitor Centre. Simply join the "Arboretum Cafe" network.


The Yorkshire Arboretum is a no-smoking venue and visitors are requested to refrain from smoking anywhere on site. This includes the use of e-cigarettes. Thank you for your kind co-operation.

* Any entry to the arboretum made outside the hours shown above is entirely at your own risk. The Yorkshire Arboretum will not accept any responsibility for death, injury, disease or loss caused to any person, animal or vehicle in the arboretum outside of opening hours, howsoever caused.

** These prices include a 10% voluntary donation that supports the work of the Yorkshire Arboretum (Registered Charity 1044931). Your donation also enables us to claim Gift Aid on your entire payment if you pay sufficient UK tax to cover the amount we, and other charities you donate to, will claim. If you would prefer not to make this donation please tell the ticket desk staff. Entry prices without donation are: Adult £11.80; Family (2 Adults + 2 Juniors) £27.25; Junior (aged 12-16) £6.35.