Lake Restoration

The Lakeside Project - Help us renew the heart of

The Yorkshire Arboretum

The lake is the very heart of the Yorkshire Arboretum, popular with visitors and members for its beauty, diversity of trees, plants and wildlife, and used by our education team for outdoor learning. Also known as Reservoir Pond, it's an old feature of the Castle Howard landscape that had completely silted up, but was restored in the early 1990s to create the lake we have known.

We plan to remove the encroaching vegetation to restore the broad expanse of water. We’ll also install a hard path, allowing visitors of all abilities to access the area throughout the year, and build new pond-dipping platforms and a bird-watching hide to overlook the water and wetlands of Atkinson’s Bog. Ultimately, we also hope to create a simple wooden shelter for the education team to use with visiting school groups.

We can only do these things with your help. Please visit for more information and to donate.