An Accessible Arboretum Appeal

The Accessible Arboretum Project making the Yorkshire Arboretum accessible to all

The Yorkshire Arboretum’s mission is summed up by the words Inspiration, Education, Conservation and we want everyone to be able to fully appreciate this beautiful place and be involved with our work and activities, whether on-site or through remote access. We are only too well aware that there are obstacles in the way of achieving this. The nature of the site, with uneven terrain and often wet ground means that it isn’t easy for those who are less able to explore it fully. Furthermore, poor mobile signal and broadband make it difficult to promote our work and activities to remote users.

The Accessible Arboretum Project aims to increase physical and digital access to the Yorkshire Arboretum for all visitors and non-visitors, especially those with restricted mobility, by providing three new Tramper mobility scooters, and one Paratreker off-road wheelchair, together with suitable housing and charging points for them. In addition, we will enhance interpretation, outreach and remote access to the arboretum, its education activities, collection and natural biodiversity, by installing an improved wifi link, while a CCTV link to the Red Squirrel enclosure will enable people to view them remotely.

We have already secured £34,872 through grant funding towards this project from the Howardian Hills National Landscape. We are seeking contributions for the remaining £8,582 (20%) to allow us to deliver this project, enabling more people to enjoy the arboretum and discover the trees and wildlife that call it home.  Please consider helping the Arboretum’s work with a donation.



You can contribute to this appeal in several ways.

1) by making a donation through our website 

2) by making a contribution by cash, card or cheque at the Visitor Centre, making it clear that the funds are for The Accessible Arboretum Project.

If you are a UK tax-payer gift-aiding a donation increases its value to us by 25%

3) letting us know of any potential charitable sources we could apply to.



The Yorkshire Arboretum has a nationally important collection of over 3200 different varieties of trees and shrubs, as well as rich natural biodiversity. Set in the heart of the Howardian Hills Natural Landscape the site is part of the Castle Howard listed landscape.

The Arboretum operates the Tree Health Centre to educate the public about threats facing trees from pathogens and climate change; has a highly respected schools programme; and offers classes and events for all ages to encourage lifelong learning. As part of its work to promote healthy woodlands it has a 0.2 ha enclosure for breeding Red Squirrels, enabling visitors to learn more about this native mammal.


What the Accessible Arboretum Project will do

1) Provide three new Tramper mobility scooters for those who require assistance to get around the arboretum and are able to control such a vehicle.  The Tramper Mk11 off road mobility scooter has been selected due to its reputation in the industry for reliability, long life and ease of use. Trampers are widely used and often familiar to users; two have been in use at the arboretum for over 15 years, and are greatly valued by hundreds of users each year. These old machines are now at the end of their lives, and we want to ensure that this facility is maintained and expanded.   

2) Acquire a Paratreker off-road wheelchair, enabling wheelchair users to explore the arboretum with family or friends. Standard wheelchairs are extremely difficult to use within the arboretum due to rough and uneven ground and paths. The Paratreker is effectively an ‘off-road’ wheelchair, highly rated and favoured for such provision.

3) Install a Starlink wifi system at the Visitor Centre. Poor broadband signal currently severely restricts the ability to deliver remote education and training from the Yorkshire Arboretum and Tree Health Centre, or to use electronic means of interpretation of the collection and site. Such remote access to our educational provision will bring it in reach of everyone.

4) Install CCTV in the Red Squirrel Enclosure

This will enable images to be shown of the squirrels both at the Visitor Centre and on the website, enabling more people to learn about these threatened native mammals.



The Accessible Arboretum Project can start as soon as match funding is in place and can be completed within a few months.

Provision of mobility assistance equipment funded by this project will be free of charge to the user, and any surplus funds raised through this appeal will be used to enhance interpretation around the site.